Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse

One of the newer commonly abused forms of drug addiction is prescription drug abuse. Affecting the lives of many people in the United States, trying to put an end to it can feel helpless. Many people become addicted over a gradual process without even noticing....
Track Marks And Other Signs Of Shooting Up

Track Marks And Other Signs Of Shooting Up

Injection drug users (IDUs) have unique difficulties and a different level of shame and humiliation around intravenous (IV) drugs. The stigma around injecting drugs and the significant health risks involved make addiction treatment a necessary measure. If you suspect...
Fentanyl In San Diego

Fentanyl In San Diego

Fentanyl-related deaths have been a rising problem in the United States, and San Diego is no exception. Unfortunately, there continues to be a nationwide misuse of prescription drugs. Fentanyl, sometimes referred to as heroin’s cousin, has been more of a recent trend...
Big Pharma and the Opioid Crisis

Big Pharma and the Opioid Crisis

You may not have realized it when opioids became the go-to medicine for pain relief, but if it was prescribed to you for help managing your pain, you were at risk of becoming addicted. You may not have realized your drug addiction risk, but big pharma companies did...
What is the Sublocade Shot and What is it Used For?

What is the Sublocade Shot and What is it Used For?

Beating opioid addiction is notoriously difficult, and for some, it can be dangerous as well. The withdrawal period is so intense that it can send people with the best intentions running back to the drug, and it can take up to several months from your last use to...
Everything About Suboxone For Opioid Addiction

Everything About Suboxone For Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is one of the fastest-growing epidemics ever seen. Its epidemic growth may be one of the saddest drug addiction stories ever told. Almost every family knows of someone who is struggling with opioid addiction.  There are ongoing awareness campaigns...
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