Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

San Diego Addiction Treatment Center

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CBT in Recovery

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the gold standard of drug counseling. It has been proven to be effective in breaking the cycle of addiction, helping a countless number of people heal their substance use disorders.

CBT is the most common form of talk therapy that helps those in recovery identify and address their self-destructive behaviors and harmful thought patterns. These harmful thought patterns and behaviors are what often lead to drug use in the first place. And, they can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental issues — which is why we see so many dual diagnoses with substance use disorder.

Principles of CBT

CBT is based on the principle that our emotions, behaviors, and thoughts are all connected. They are three points in the cycle that leads people to continue using, despite experiencing negative consequences.

When we have negative emotions, we may react accordingly with negative behaviors.

When we behave in a negative way, we may begin to have negative thoughts.

When we have negative thoughts, we may begin to have negative emotions.

Breaking this cycle is crucial in avoiding relapse and continued drug use. But, breaking the cycle is easier said than done.

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Different Forms of CBT

There are a large number of approaches to CBT that may be adapted to different persons and made to address different types of mental illnesses. Most of these therapies are used short-term but can be revisited if a person is brought out of remission.

Common CBT approaches for Substance Use Disorders may include:

  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Contingency Management
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Behavioral Couples Therapy

Other forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy can also be used, as it was mentioned before that there is often co-occurring disorders alongside substance use disorder.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT Efficiency 

There is hard evidence to back the efficiency of cognitive-behavioral therapy in recovery.

One analysis found that 6 out of 10 people who undergo proper cognitive behavioral therapy in drug rehabilitation programs remained sober for a year after their treatment was completed.

There are also similar rates of success with CBT for treating mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. This is why it is such a crucial piece of a successful recovery. In fact, it has even been shown to increase cognitive ability, since people with these mental illnesses often struggle with cognitive function under the stress of mental diseases.

Recover with CBT in San Diego 

If you are looking for an outpatient rehab in San Diego that offers professional cognitive behavioral therapy services, consider Healthy Life Recovery.

Our programs are designed to provide structure and support for those who struggle with substance abuse issues. Our staff is passionate about what they do and offers life-changing services.

Make the decision to get better today. Call Healthy Life Recovery in San Diego!

Dr. Sanajai Thankachen

Medically Reviewed By:

Dr. Sanjai Thankachen

Dr. Sanjai Thankachen graduated from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medicine in 2000. He completed his residency in psychiatry in 2008 at Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in New York. Dr. Thankachen is currently working with Pacific Neuropsychiatric Specialists in an outpatient practice, as well as working at multiple in-patient psychiatric and medical units bringing his patients the most advanced healthcare treatment in psychiatry. Dr. Thankachen sees patients with an array of disorders, including depression, bipolar illness, schizophrenia, anxiety, and dementia-related problems.

More About Dr. Sanjai Thankachen

Dr. Sanajai Thankachen

Edited for Clinical Accuracy By:

Sean Leonard, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Sean Leonard is a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner. He received his master’s degree in adult geriatric primary care nurse practitioner from Walden University and a second postmaster specialty in psychiatry mental health nurse practitioner from Rocky Mountain University. Sean has experience working in various diverse settings, including an outpatient clinic, inpatient detox and rehab, psychiatric emergency, and dual diagnosis programs. His specialty areas include substance abuse, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, PTSD, ADHD, and OCD.

More About Sean Leonard

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